Water Museum of Venice Water Museum of Venice Global Network
  • Remada a Seconda

    To safeguard and rediscover the navigable waterways in the territory of Padua

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  • The Museum of River Navigation

    The era of fresh water sailors and nautical traditions on display

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  • The Road of the Valleys fishing area

    Discovering the ancient Roman "piscinae piscariae" among lagoons and casoni in the Delta

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  • The Environmental Archeology of Water Museum in Padua

    The Brenta and Bacchiglione rivers told through underwater finds

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  • The Museum of Roman Centuriation

    The Ager Romanus and ancient land organization between the Brenta and Muson Vecchio rivers

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  • The Draganziolo Oasis

    New spaces for waterways and the community: a model of environmental restoration

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  • Ca’ Vendramin Land Reclamation Museum

    The history of the land reclamation of the Delta told through a colossal early 20th century water-drainage pump

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  • The River Town of Bovolenta

    Along the Salt and Sugar Routes, the fluvial intersection to and from the Adriatic

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  • Specola

    Urban waterscapes and the ancient tower “Torlonga” of the Carraresi Castle

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  • Tenuta Ca’ Zen in Taglio di Po

    An old country villa of the Venetian patricians immortalized by the verses of Lord Byron

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  • The Water Pump Museum of Santa Margherita

    An operational nineteenth-century water pump retells the history of the land and its reclamation

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  • Bosco Limite

    An innovative project aimed at regenerating the aquifers of the Paduan plain

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  • Adria and its riviera

    An ancient Roman port at the centre of river navigation and the mythical "amber road"

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  • Scano Boa

    A sandy stretch of land at the mouth of the Po, rich in biodiversity and literary references

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  • The Castle of Este

    Military garrison and walled city of the navigable waterway

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The Global Network of Water Museums becomes a UNESCO-IHP initiative
The Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Program (UNESCO-IHP) unanimously voted a Resolution endorsing a worldwide network of water museums at its 23rd Session in the Paris, 15th of June 2018

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Manifesto di Treviso a difesa dell’acqua

Il Manifesto di Treviso a difesa dell’acqua sintetizza i princìpi basilari per una buona gestione delle risorse idriche e indica alcune delle azioni fondamentali che è necessario intraprendere urgentemente per un utilizzo più attento e corretto di questo bene essenziale alla vita.

Il Manifesto, elaborato nel 2021 in occasione del convegno “L’orologio dell’acqua”, viene promosso su scala provinciale, regionale e nazionale a partire dal 22 Marzo 2022 (Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua), grazie alla collaborazione nata tra l’associazione Premio Letterario Giuseppe Mazzotti, il Centro Internazionale per la Civiltà dell’Acqua Onlus, e la Rete Mondiale dei Musei dell’Acqua (“iniziativa faro” di UNESCO-IHP).

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Orto Botanico Università di Padova

The Botanical Garden

"The origin of all the world's Botanical Garden" in the World Heritage List
Instituted at the height of the Renaissance for the cultivation and study of medicinal plants,...
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Castello del Catajo

The Castle of Catajo

A noble palace and military bastion presiding over commerce on the Battaglia Canal

The Castle of Catajo dominates the navigable waterway it was built to control, the Battaglia...
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Torre della Specola


Urban waterscapes and the ancient tower “Torlonga” of the Carraresi Castle
The western wall of the city of Padua offers fascinating views, not least of the...
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